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Writer's pictureCassidy Colbert

Hope Anchors the Soul

*Originally published 3/2/16*

I’m not okay, but I’m going to be okay. That’s all I keep telling myself. I just have to have hope. These past few months have been pretty rough. I have had my picc line in for a little over 2 months, with no signs of real improvement. I’m tired all of the time, but can barely sleep. I’m in pain, and nothing seems to help. I need to take my medicines, but I’m too nauseous to eat anything. Just when I think symptoms have gone away, they come cruising back.

Just when I was about ready to give up, I had a groundbreaking Lyme doctor appointment. We found out that I have been exposed to mold, which we think is causing me to be so nauseous. Also, a few weeks ago I took a test called 23 & Me, and we got those results, as well. This test looks at your DNA and can reveal your lineage, and any gene mutations you have. We learned that I have several gene mutations that can cause deficiencies in my body and make my body not function properly. We now think that the mold and these deficiencies are hindering our efforts to get me better. So now I will be taking an anti-fungal, through my picc line to get rid of the mold, as well as orally taking supplements to help with the deficiencies. The road is still long, but I’m hopeful that by fixing these issues we have finally found the key to unlock remission.

Not being in school these past few months has been hard, but I know it was the right choice. Most days, like today, I sleep until noon, or later, take my medicine and watch TV, because that’s all the energy I have. It stinks not being able to do anything, but I know this is what my body needs to get better. I have been able to work a little, however. I DJ for my dad’s company as often as I can on the weekends (which is usually only once because then I crash). Every Thursday, I am lucky enough to get to watch my baby cousin. My mom, sister and I also have started our own company. We created the Colbert House Candle Company, where we make scented 100% soy candles at affordable prices. You can check out our site here, and order! It’s nice to feel like I have a purpose and to work on something special to me, and it doesn’t feel too bad to be able to make some money while I’m home!

Speaking of money, Lyme treatment hasn’t gotten any cheaper. Since I’m on the picc, we have to pay my doctor every week just to look over my tests. Not to mention the hundreds of dollars we have to pay every 4 weeks when I go to see her (last month we saw her twice because I had to have an emergency appointment). Now, for a month supply of the supplements that are supposed to help me, it will cost $600. It’s not fair that we are forced to pay this much when we didn’t choose to get sick. We didn’t choose to get a disease that others don’t believe in. Luckily, the world is starting to see how unfair the Lyme guidelines are. There is a new bill being proposed in my state of Maryland. If this bill passes, doctors will have to let you know that even if you have a negative Lyme test result, you could still have Lyme. This is the first step in getting proper diagnosis and treatment! If you live in Maryland, please follow the link below and help be the change in my life, as well as so many other that are fighting with me.

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